
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Markets are disturbed by increasing talk of new lockdowns in Europe. Justifiably so -- the last lockdowns didn't help, otherwise why would we need new ones (which won't help)? We're hoping experience will prevail, and that this is mostly politicized talk.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
New US cases stay high, as testing remains at record levels. Yesterday less than 2% of new cases were hospitalized, US fatalities barely topped 500 and the cumulative case-fatality rate continues to fall. 
Monday, October 26, 2020
There's an autumn flare-up of cases everywhere, but the continent chart on page 1 shows clearly that Europe is the dominant epicenter. Still, fatalities amazingly low, with no single country reporting even 500 yesterday.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
The modelers at the University of Washington's IHME, who used to lead the alarmist brigade, continue to revise *lower* their forecast for US fatalities, even as new cases rise to new highs. We congratulate them on their honest effort to conform their forecasts to a new fact: the declining lethality of Covid-19.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
A new record for daily confirmed new cases in the US. But also a new record for the number of daily tests. There's a strong connection, but not a perfect one. We know things are worsening, because the test-positivity rate is rising. But it's rising from near-record lows, and it's still at a low 7.4%. So we have a cause of concern, but not for fear. There's a difference. 
Friday, October 23, 2020
Total US new cases approaching the July highs, but fatalities under 1,000, as they are everywhere in the world.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
US tests fall by more than a quarter from an all-time high above 2 million per day. Maybe the test binge was triggered by Trump's case, and now that he and his colleagues are well, the urgency is off.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
In late April, the world's cumulative case fatality rate from Covid-19 was above 7%. Over that last two weeks, amidst a sharp rise in cases in many parts of the world, it has been 1.85%
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
US testing flies to new highs at 2.1 million -- that's two thirds of a percent of the population tested in a single day. To be sure there are hotspots, but nationwide the test-positivity rate is a low 5.3%.
Monday, October 19, 2020
The modelers at the University of Washington's IHME have once again lowered their estimate for cumulative US Covid-19 fatalities, by another 5,000. Someone tell Savannah Guthrie.
