
Saturday, November 7, 2020
US/Canada/Mexico posts a new record for daily cases -- but it's less than half the new cases in Europe, where new lockdowns are supposed to be helping. 
Friday, November 6, 2020
New US cases rise to a record 116,256 -- up 13,000 from yesterday. But tests rose by almost 600,000 in a single day to a new high at 2.43 million, topping Monday's all-time high of 2.23 million. So the test-positivity rate fell sharply to 9.14%. In world news, researchers fear a mutant Covid variation is passing between humans and minks.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
US new cases make a new high above 100,000. Increased testing is to blame generally, but this is nevertheless a real flare-up, with the test-positivity rate rising above 10% for the first time in months. 
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Wow. All Europe had to do was announce a few new restrictions and new daily cases have fallen by 80,000 in less than a week. Either lockdowns work instantly and effectively, or the governments of Europe panicked right at the top. 
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Sweden continues to confound expectations. With new cases rising everywhere in Europe, they've made new all-time highs in Sweden this week. Yet according to the European CDC, there have been zero Covid-19 fatalities in Sweden for five days running.
Monday, November 2, 2020
World new cases abate a bit, and mortalities remain low -- with no country reporting more than 500. 
Sunday, November 1, 2020
New cases fall world-wide, but still a big number. Meanwhile, no country reported more than 900 deaths. Using our reliable days-to-double-fatalities metric, the only places in the world where Covid-19 is spreading exponentially is Russia and Iran.
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Fatalities in the US peeked about 1,000 yesterday, but new hospitalizations fell to under 600. This wave has a very different character than the previous ones. 
Friday, October 30, 2020
The US has now administered 245 million Covid-19 tests. Positives equal 2.4% of the population, but some have been tested more than once. 0.07% of the population has died. With cases at new highs, fewer than 1,000 died yesterday, and only slightly more than 1,000 were admitted to hospitals.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Germany and France "buy the top" with new lockdowns. They're not as draconian as those in March or April, but it's still an act of irrational panic: a costly retrograde move with no evidence of effectiveness. If the March/April lockdowns had been so great, why would we need these?
