
Monday, September 28, 2020
Sweden, always an interesting laboratory because of its lighter lockdowns, is having a rise in new cases. But it is both much smaller than France's, Spain's or the UK's, and it is lagging. Maybe this bears out the one solid finding in all the empirical correlation studies: the only effective lockdown technique is closing international borders.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
It's taken us two weeks to get around to cleaning the dirty datasets from the virus modelers in Washington. Now it can be told! With their Sept. 18 update, they downgraded fatalities by year-end by 37,000, and now with last week's update by another 7,000. Funny how when their updates are optimistic, their spreadsheets suddenly get difficult for the public to read. 
Saturday, September 26, 2020
New daily cases worldwide have tripled since may, but the case fatality rate -- cumulatively -- has been cut in half. Is the virus getting less lethal? Are we getting better at treating it? Are we becoming less susceptible? 
Friday, September 25, 2020
Cases are making new highs in major European nations, while the summer flareup in the US sunbelt has completely passed. The political narrative has been that Europe "did it right," and outperformed the US. Now the tables have turned, and anxious global markets wait to see if European authorities make the lethal error of locking down again. We are betting they won't. 
Thursday, September 24, 2020
It's official. New cases in the UK make new highs. Yet the case fatality rate -- the cumulative case fatality rate! -- continues to fall. Boris hasn't fully panicked yet, and hopefully he won't. He doesn't need to. Japan had the exact same experience last month, there were no new lockdowns, and the crisis passed.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Europe debates new lockdowns, facing a second wave with lots of cases but few fatalities. We don't think they will do much. The critical reading -- days-to-double fatalities -- isn't budging in hotspots France, Spain or the UK.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
US new cases are the lowest in three months. What does the New York Times report? "The fall surge is here."
Monday, September 21, 2020
The media is focused on the imminent attainment of 200,000 US fatalities. But it should be remembered that the world case fatality rate has more than halved from a peak of 7.2% in late April to 3.1% today -- and falling every day. This is a cumulative calculation, so the instantaneous fatality rate (which is impossible to calculate directly) must be even lower than 3.1%. 
Sunday, September 20, 2020
France and Spain are experiencing more than a second wave -- decisive new highs in new daily cases, and the UK is almost there, too. Yet this continues to be only a "casedemic." France is number four in the world for cases, but not even top ten for fatalities. 
Saturday, September 19, 2020
A relatively quiet day in the war against Covid-2019. Most jurisdictions stay within recent bounds, and beleaguered Israel reports a nice drop in new cases.
