
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Arizona's crisis is over -- its most reliable measure of the spread of Covid-19, the days-to-double mortalities, is back to where it started before the summer outbreak. Florida and Texas aren't far behind. Of the four sunbelt hotspots, California is the only laggard -- and it's the one that responded with the most severe lockdowns. Will we never learn?
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Here's an amazing statistic. Kind of puts things in perspective. Worldwide, out of 10,000 people, how many have died from Covid-2019? Wait for it...
Monday, August 17, 2020
It's amazing what you can get used to, but with 169 thousand new cases yesterday worldwide, it seems like a good day, because the day before there were 201 thousand. But things really are getting better. In the US, 40 states are now in declining two-week trajectories for new cases. And see "Recommended Reading" for a sudden effusion of new studies showing that patients once infected don't tend to get infected a second time.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
New cases fall overall world-wide, and in every continent but Africa, and the global case fatality rate continues its secular decline (looking at the moment like it wants to flatten out at about 3%, eventually). Our Texas congressman Gohmert, age 67, is now Covid-free, having been treated with -- see if you can guess (see "Recommended Reading")! Florida takes the lead for US state with largest share of population tested positive. 
Saturday, August 15, 2020
A wholesale revision in reporting deaths drops the UK's cumulative case fatality rate from about 15%, among the worst in the world, to 13%, well, still among the worst in the world. In the US, testing is at a near-record 840,000 per day -- yet the front page of the New York Times leads with "‘We’re Clearly Not Doing Enough’: Drop in Testing Hampers Coronavirus Response" (see our "Recommended Reading" page, but don't believe it). 
Friday, August 14, 2020
US new cases fall. But testing anomalies -- possibly political scandals -- have emerged in both Texas and Florida, driving wild day-to-day swings in test numbers and positivity-rates. In Europe, new-case reporting falls apart, with France and Spain reporting zero half the time (forcing us to smooth out their charts). Our conclusion: the institutions that have been drafted to handle this crisis are facing exhaustion.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
After a week of improvement everywhere, a backwards day with global cases rising. There's a weird data anomaly in the reporting of US testing -- a sudden drop, leading to the appearance of a jump in test-positivity. Some labs, especially in Florida, are failing to report negatives (Sen. Marco Rubio had to tweet about it yesterday).
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
New US cases fell overall, even though they rose in all four sunbelt hotspot states -- especially California, on the same day that Governor Newsom said things were getting better. Arizona, the hardest hit state other than New York, has definitely turned the corner. Days-to-double fatalities is now firmly sub-exponential.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
New cases fall in all four US sunbelt hotspot states. The national test-positivity rate falls back below 6%. If there ever was a second wave in the US, it is definitely over.
Monday, August 10, 2020
A very good day, given what we're given. New cases and deaths lower almost everywhere. The four US sunbelt hotspot states are all now on the best-five list for declining case trajectories. The worst-five list now includes Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey, states that the media had celebrated for "doing it right." 
