
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Check "Recommended Reading" to learn about "Coronation," the documentary about the Wuhan lockdown by Chinese dissident Ai WeiWei -- directed in exile from London, filmed by brave Chinese witnesses on the scene.
Friday, August 28, 2020
The spread of Covid-19 in the US continues to abate, slowing to sub-exponential growth rates everywhere. Yet the unrelievedly pessimistic modelers in Washington have upgraded their estimate of deaths by December 1 by yet another 8 thousand.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
In the US, 39 states now have declining two-week trajectories of new cases. 33 have declining test-positivity rates. 
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
New cases grow a bit globally, only slightly in the US. But everywhere, fatalities are relatively minimal. The character of this crisis has changed -- fewer people are dying. Check out "Recommended Reading" -- a new consensus is emerging, that lockdowns were a too-costly mistake.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
If the media got to say that new cases were "soaring" in June and July in the sunbelt hotspots, we can thankfully say now they are "plunging." It's not clear what made the difference, but the summer crisis looks pretty much over. Australia has beaten its second wave, too. France and Spain are still struggling. 
Monday, August 24, 2020
Smallest number of new cases in the US in more than two months, as spread goes solidly sub-exponential in Arizona, Florida and Texas. Meanwhile, the FDA authorizes emergency use of plasma as a therapeutic. Check out how the various media cover that news in "Recommended Reading." Some say it's a medical breakthrough, some a political stunt.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Progress of sorts. World new cases up a bit, but it's all South America – cases are down in all other continents. And it's the first day in a long time with fewer than 1,000 deaths in any single country. Meanwhile, more testimony that Covid-2019 is a Chinese bioweapon (see "Recommended Reading," but read critically).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cases and mortalities and test positivity-rates are broadly improving across the US and in the sunbelt hotspots. Nevertheless the alarmist modelers in Washington have just upped their December death estimate by another 15,000, and offered a list of all the states that should re-impose lockdowns.
Friday, August 21, 2020
New cases fall in every continent but Asia. In the US, the sunbelt hotspots continue to improve.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
A reliable weekly pattern has emerged, with cases and fatalities rising toward the end of each week. 7-day moving averages look good almost everywhere, though. Mostly we see declines, some quite sharp, especially in the US.
