
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
See "Recommended Reading" for a fascinating report sent in by a client. Suddenly, the "Chinese lab-leak hypothesis" has gone from being a conspiracy theory to a mainstream maybe.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Now that we have vaccines in mere months, when by all precedent we should have waited years, it feels painfully slow to roll them out. Inoculations are growing in the US by 170,000 per day. At least about a quarter of that is in long-term care facilities where populations are most vulnerable.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Over the holidays, US Covid-19 testing has fallen considerably, from almost 3 million a day to closer to 2 million. The test-positivity ratio has risen at the same time, suggesting that less symptomatic or non-symptomatic people were too busy -- or have become sufficiently risk-tolerant -- to seek testing.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
We're gradually building up our US vaccination tracker as reliable and consistent data becomes available, on page 2 of the daily report. We've now added growth in vaccinations per day since last CDC update.
Saturday, January 2, 2021
The New Year's Day reporting is in, and it looks like there are more non-reporting jurisdictions than on Christmas. We aren't going to have a reliable look for three or four days now.
Friday, January 1, 2021
We're expecting more data distortions arising from the New Year's Day holiday -- first a dip in cases and fatalities, then a catch-up. We'll be able to filter some of it, not all. In the meantime, enjoy the three-day weekend!
Thursday, December 31, 2020
The year ends with a new record high for US daily fatalities, but to some extent that is an artifact of catch-up data-flow after the holidays. We thank all the loyal readers of this daily report. It's been a difficult and fascinating year. We expect 2021 will be easier but no less fascinating. All the best!
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
We're seeing the post-holiday data bounceback, where cases and fatalities not reported over Christmas are being baked into later days' stats. Perhaps it's a good sign that these artificially inflated numbers aren't higher than the more accurate pre-holiday numbers.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Today we initiate coverage of US vaccination efforts, with a cumulative tally of doses distributed and first-doses administered, displayed in an inset on the US chart on page 2. As we get more detailed data-sets, we will display more information.
Monday, December 28, 2020
Celebrity panic-mongers blanketed the airwaves on the Sunday political talk shows, warning of a surge upon a surge. For the moment, the holiday data remains unreliable, but underlying trends in the US and Europe look encouraging.
