Global PMI

Global PMI
Thursday, November 3, 2022
US PMI's are solid. But here's a wet kiss for Jay Powell: the services employment index fell below 50, indicating contraction of hiring plans. Powell thinks inflation comes from Americans having jobs, so he'll be thrilled. 
Global PMI
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Sorry Jay. Another strong US services PMI number. Globally, manufacturing PMIs have slipped slightly below 50, indicating contraction. But it's very much concentrated in Europe, for obvious reasons for which there are no ready solutions.
Global PMI
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
We like PMI's because they are a rare instance of forward-looking economic data -- and across most of Europe, they are forward-looking to recession.
Global PMI
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
US PMI's remain relentlessly well above 50, indicating that manufacturing and services businesses are not seeing a recession out there. It's something of a mystery that they've been saying this all year, during two quarters of reported GDP contraction.
Global PMI
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
US Services PMI comes in at a robust (and above-expectations) 55.3. Yes, yes, we know the "bad news is good news" argument concerning the Fed -- but it's good news to see no sign of recession in this number today.
Global PMI
Friday, June 3, 2022
US manufacturing PMI higher, services lower -- but both still at very high-growth levels. The best part is the the "prices paid" component for both fell in May. 
Global PMI
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Hard to see a US recession with manufacturing at 54.5 and services at 57.1. But hard not to see one in deeply sub-50 numbers from locked-down China and sanctions-ravaged Russia (Russia's hasn't even been updated for April yet... yikes). 
Global PMI
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
The US manufacturing and service sectors tell different stories. Manufacturing ticked down, prices rose; services ticked up, prices flat. But both have one thing in common: big move up in employment.
Global PMI
Thursday, March 3, 2022
A miss in US services PMI. The prices component rose slightly. But the US manufacturing PMI prices component fell, continuing in an unintuitive year-long downtrend.
Global PMI
Thursday, February 3, 2022
What's most remarkable about the January PMI's around the world is how little you can see the traces of the Omicron case-wave. Suggests that the virus has never been the economic problem -- the lockdowns have been.
