
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Cases are rising in the under-vaccinated world, with only a small pop in the well-vaccinated US. The global post-pandemic boom is looking like it may not be synchronized.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Today in "Recommended Reading," a fascinating academic study of bad-news bias in reporting on Covid-2019. Hopefully the media and the public will learn from this, in case there is a next time.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The latest thing to fear: a "double mutant" in India. Probably a coincidence that India is "pausing" exports of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, of which it is the world's premier supplier. Meanwhile, even risk-averse Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti says we're nearly at herd immunity now.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Here are some firsts! In "Recommended Reading" -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel rescinds her Easter lockdown order after a day of intense criticism, saying "the mistake is my mistake." Who knew a lockdown leader could admit error? Who knew a nation in the EU could do anything right in this pandemic? Next thing you know, they'll let their citizens get vaccinated.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Covid fear-porn never ends. In "Recommended Reading" from (of course) the New York Times: "First Covid, Then Psychosis: 'The Most Terrifying Thing I've Ever Experienced.'" Meanwhile, it seems that AstraZeneca has botched its US trials once again. Fortunately there are three other vaccines in wide circulation. 
Monday, March 22, 2021
US vaccinations are now regularly running at over 3 million per day, some the one-shot Johnson & Johnson. Our herd immunity estimate has moved up to late May. Having been a consistent Number One for daily new cases for months, the US has fallen to third.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Interesting in "Recommended Reading" -- how the rush to produce Covid vaccines is creating shortages of other drugs. What will be the unmeasured cost in human life? Yet another side-effect of our monolithic obsession with controlling Covid at the expense of well-being in other dimensions. 
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Sad news overnight -- Japan is going to bar overseas visitors from attending the Summer Olympics. Among large nations, Japan is far and away the best performer in controlling cases and fatalities, and it did it with relatively light and non-compulsory lockdowns. If only the rest of the world had done likewise, visitors would be welcome in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Brazil continues to be the only large country where case growth is not in decline. Today's pop in European new cases, which flows into the global number, is the result of France, Germany and others dumping several days' cases into today's reporting.
Thursday, March 18, 2021
US vaccinations were wisely focused first on residents and staff in long-term care facilities. Now 61.5% of that population has been fully immunized, meeting the normal standard for "herd immunity," at which point Covid-19 cannot spread exponentially. An amazing accomplishment.
