
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Brazil and Iran look like the only jurisdictions we follow where new daily cases haven't pretty clearly rolled over.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
With no warning or explanation, the CDC has dumbed-down the way it reports state-level progress on vaccinations. There is no longer any distinction between first and second doses. Not only are we losing that critical information about potential herd immunity, but at the same time it exaggerates the inoculated share of each state's population, making the distribution roll-out look up to twice as good as it actually is.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
The press loves a round number -- 500,000 cumulative US fatalities. Our data shows 10,000 fewer, because we only include the 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico (not other territories and possessions). 490,382 is tragic enough.
Monday, February 22, 2021
We're happy to report that, after a "dark winter," Covid-19 is now not spreading exponentially in any of the jurisdictions we track. That's according to our most reliable indicator, the days-to-double-fatalities displayed on page 9 of the daily report.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The CDC has revised down the number of vaccine doses delivered by 3 million, but not the number administered -- so the efficiency ratio rises from 76.2% to 81.7%. Yesterday, we joined 860,000 Americans in getting our second shot. Whole thing took 20 minutes, painless, no adverse reactions. Oh, and now we have superpowers.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
The CDC has updated its comorbidities analysis. For months they've been saying 94% of Covid deaths share, on average, 2.9 other causes. Now they're saying 3.8 additional causes. If you accept the data at face value, it clearly implies that the virus is having to seek ever more vulnerable populations in order to achieve lethality.
Friday, February 19, 2021
Trump did two-thirds of it, and now Biden has finished the job of securing enough vaccines for every American to get two shots. Now Biden will propose $4 billion in US aid to vaccinate the world.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
We're starting to see weather effects in the US data. A number of states have delayed reporting. In others, the test-positivity ratio is seemingly alarmingly high, because in this weather only the most symptomatic persons are seeking testing.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
US intensive care bed and ventilator utilization is now back below where they were in March and April, when cases were only an eighth as many as there have been in this "dark winter."
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
New daily cases in Texas fall below 5,000 thanks to a new broad-based environmental program to aid in the deep-cold transit and storage of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
