
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Moonshot! Another new record for US vaccinations -- 2.9 million. Yes, as a share of population, the US is behind Israel for immunizations. But given Israel's small population, the current US vaccination pace would give everyone there a shot in 3 days!
Saturday, March 6, 2021
A new high for US daily vaccinations at 2.44 million shots. V-V Day (when we achieve herd immunity, and the virus signs surrender papers) has been brought forward now to June 16. Can't wait!
Friday, March 5, 2021
The US, which had high per-capita case rates and now has a high per-capita vaccination rate, continues on the road to recovery. There are some concerning reversals in case-loads in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in the Americas. The rest of the world better get on the vaccine bandwagon and chase the US to the goal of herd immunity.
Thursday, March 4, 2021
See "Recommended Reading" to learn about our new president's unity outreach calling Texas's lifting of mask mandates "neanderthal thinking." See "Meme of the Day" to learn the real reason we did it.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Today we introduce a new global vaccination scoreboard. For 13 major economies, we rank the share of population that has been fully immunized. Israel stands head-and-shoulders on top. The US is second. All the others are distant also-rans, including the UK which is falsely reported to be doing better than its continental European peers.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
It's a year now since the first Covid-2019 death in New York. Governor Cuomo emerged as a national hero of lockdowns, and now his reputation lies in tatters. It's emblematic of the social trauma we've all been through in World War V.
Monday, March 1, 2021
A new record for daily US vaccinations at 2.43 million, bringing "VV Day" -- the day we achieve herd immunity -- forward to June 15. Meanwhile, check "Recommended Reading" for the sad story of why Europe lags far behind.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
The CDC capitulates, so our full display of state-level vaccination progress is back in living color. Meanwhile, the bureaucrats across the street finally approve the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Even without it, the US will be at herd immunity before mid-year.
Saturday, February 27, 2021
We've won our little data-war with the CDC. We've been cajoling them for a week to restore state-level vaccination performance -- and instead, they gave us new stats on vaccination by race! This morning they rolled over, and the state-level data is back. We're going to have to adapt our process to their new format, so you'll see it in tomorrow's report.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Covid-19 fatalities in long-term care facilities are falling faster than in the general US population. No wonder -- 50% of staff and residents have had two doses of the vaccine.
