
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
In "Recommended Reading" -- a client points us to a terrific story on how lockdown school closures across Latin America drove children to cartel-controlled gangs, and their deaths. Further proof that the law of unintended consequences cannot be denied.
Monday, April 5, 2021
New cases in India make a new all-time high. Nobody really knows why, any more than they know why India has had among the lowest infection rates for any large nation all along. The virus continues to mystify. Meanwhile, in the increasingly immunized US, only 222 fatalities were reported yesterday.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
The CDC has updated its comorbidities analysis of Covid-19 fatalities in the US. Still in only 6% of cases is Covid-19 the only cause. But now the number of additional causes has risen from 3.8 to 4. This is a cumulative number, so it takes a lot to move it. And it has moved in the right direction, in the sense that Covid-19 on its own appears to be slightly less lethal now.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
Another landmark. Over 4 million vaccine shots administered in the US yesterday. If we could keep up this pace, herd immunity will be achieved by May 13, in just 41 days.
Friday, April 2, 2021
Remember before coronavirus how we had to get our fear-porn from the coming bee extinction crisis? Well, check out "Recommended Reading" on this semi-holiday morning.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
French president Macron orders new nationwide lockdowns, saying "We have not lost control." April fools?
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The WHO report on the origins of Covid-19 is out, and some are calling it a "Wuhan whitewash." But in separate statements WHO officials are bending over backwards to say that "all hypotheses remain open." Perhaps the whitewash is that some of them shouldn't?
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Yesterday new CDC head Walensky reported a "recurring feeling I have of impending doom." We say follow the science.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Just three months ago it was amazing that the US could test 2 million people a day for Covid-19. Now we routinely vaccinate 3 million a day. Herd immunity is just around the corner at this rate: late May.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
What's the matter with Brazil, the only country we follow that is reporting more than 1,000 Covid fatalities today? Somehow we don't believe the New York Times' explanation in today's "Recommended Reading." Is it really because Brazil's conservative leader joked about "if people who got newly developed vaccines turned into alligators"? Somehow we doubt that's relevant.
