
Thursday, May 6, 2021
A game-changer in "Recommended Reading" -- a credible analysis of the possible Wuhan lab origin of the coronavirus, but this time a key difference. It is published in the ultra-prestigious Journal of the Atomic Scientists, for half a century the gold-standard watchdog over planetary weapons threats. This will change the conversation forever.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," the always unpredictable Dr. Fauci gives the world advice on trade policy. Unpredictable indeed: he is right this time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," a link several clients sent us pointing to a video of the "Event 201" pandemic war-gaming exercise from 2019. Eerie prescience -- right down to planning to censor social media that doesn't carry the official "expert" story. Conspiracy or coincidence? Who knows, but worth watching and wondering.
Monday, May 3, 2021
This morning "Recommended Reading" has must-reading, a chapter from Niall Ferguson's book to be released tomorrow: "How Ike's 1950s America Beat The 'Asian Flu' With Science & Common Sense."
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Does "Recommended Reading" give you Covid news fatigue? Try today's. Our lead story is about the heroic completion of Space-X's manned spaceflight mission. Our people on the inside tell us there was no social distancing in the capsule, yet everything is A-OK.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
New reported cases in India top 400,000 (while who knows how many go unreported?). The nation brings up the rear in vaccinations, with less than 10% of the population having had at least one shot. India’s population is so large, that's not far from the number of total jabs in the US at 43% of our smaller population.
Friday, April 30, 2021
The new pattern is that cases now rage in developing nations, improve in most developed ones. As New York mayor de Blasio promises "a summer to remember," 2-week case trajectories are declining in 41 states.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," we must really be making progress. Even the New York Times is talking about "New York’s Spring of Optimism: Finally, the Second Virus Wave Is Ebbing."
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," two fascinating process stories in the New York Times about major advertiser Pfizer. First, how Europe finally managed to do a deal to buy vaccines (they tried innovative new approaches -- the telephone, and texting). Second, and this one is actually interesting, how Pfizer makes the vaccine (it's amazing -- God bless capitalism). 
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Several back-to-back days now with new cases in India failing to make new highs, just as the spread was becoming truly exponential. Too soon to hope that this was the last throes of the global pandemic?
