
Saturday, June 5, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," read Nicholas Wade's interpretation of the Fauci emails -- what did he know and when did he know it? Wade is the author of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists article last month that broke the Wuhan lab origin theory into the mainstream. Meanwhile, the US has now passed the 50% mark for administering at least one vaccination across the entire population -- we're now at total herd immunity, not just *adult* herd immunity.
Friday, June 4, 2021
Yes! The US achieves above 80.1% adult herd immunity!
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Got a few free moments today? In "Recommended Reading" we offer you the entire archive of Fauci emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act -- all 3,234 pages. What a concept in this pandemic: information being free! (Read and judge for yourself whether he deserves the adulation that has been heaped upon him.)
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
New cases in India, thankfully, have crashed as suddenly as they soared a month ago. Experts had their theories -- deadly variants, mostly -- to explain the rise. But that doesn't explain the fall (where did the variants go?). One heretical theory: could it possibly be ivermectin, the grass-roots treatment the experts love to dismiss? See "Recommended Reading."
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
At last. The US *entirely* falls out of the "worst ten countries" league tables on page one. Not in the "terrible ten" for either cases or fatalities.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Today! For the first time! New cases in the US, at 6,725 are so few that the US doesn't appear in the "worst ten" league table on page one. At 124, the US is tenth of ten. Now who you going to believe about herd immunity? Us or the New York Times?
Saturday, May 29, 2021
The Wuhan lab origin narrative gains more momentum. Our lead item in "Recommended Reading," the video of the White House press briefing in which Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, in her first day on the job, gives the worst possible answer to the hardest possible question. At 29:30 in the video, when asked by a persistent reporter, she says the White House has not ruled out that the release of the Covid-19 virus was a deliberate act by China. Meanwhile, today the New York Times triples down on the fear-porn with the headline "Covid’s Deadliest Phase May Be Here Soon."  The good news is that it is an editorial. At this point they are no longer pretending such things are "news."
Saturday, May 29, 2021
US new cases make a new low. Today exactly 50% of the *entire* US population -- all ages -- has had at least one dose of vaccine. In "Recommended Reading," the New York Times, which has spent the last two months telling readers that Americans are refusing to get vaccinated, it now saying they are signing up in droves. The newspaper of record. Multiple records, actually, depending on how the wind blows. 
Friday, May 28, 2021
The Wuhan lab origin story has gone, well, viral -- despite social media platforms blocking it for a year. Now Facebook bows to the inevitable, beclowning itself by allowing posts on a topic that they have claimed for months is "disinformation" and "debunked." The arbiter of truth finds that truth is a slippery thing -- and besides, they have a business to run. So much for the utopian hope that social media would liberate people for inexpensive and unintermediated communication of free speech.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
We told you three weeks ago that the narrative was changing when the prestigious Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists published serious questions about the potential Chinese lab origin of Covid-19. Now it's official -- the White House has announced a US investigation. How will the world react if China is found guilty -- and found to have covered it up?
