
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
India remains a mystery. In December no one knew why the sub-continent wasn't having an infection wave like everywhere else. Then in March no one knew why it suddenly had an horrific wave when nowhere else did. Now that wave is visibly subsiding, and no one knows why that is happening either.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," two new thought-contagions are going mainstream. Washington is asking whether the government has already spent enough. And questions about that Chinese lab just won't go away.
Monday, May 24, 2021
On the one-month anniversary of our declaration of US adult herd immunity, the US logs 12,853 new cases -- the lowest number since late March 2020. 
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Because restoration of confidence is so essential to reopening the economy, we track the Covid fear-porn that still pervades the culture. Today in "Recommended Reading," a New York Times review of a new TV show, "The Bite" -- a "comedy" about Covid variants that produce zombies. It features "a government cover-up, widespread denial (often immediately followed by graphic flesh munching) and warnings that the elderly are most at risk because they can’t outrun the undead." We'd be delighted if a show like this, that teaches you that you can never be afraid enough, didn't strike anyone as relevant at this point. 
Saturday, May 22, 2021
We must be running out of fear-porn. In today's "Recommended Reading," a New York Times story about how "The Latest Coronavirus Comes From Dogs." Don't worry too much. It "may not" pose a serious threat (but then again it "may"). At least so far motherhood and apple pie have not been identified as infection vectors.
Friday, May 21, 2021
US adult herd immunity has now passed 75%. It was less than a month ago we declared "Herd Immunity Day" when it passed 60% on April 24. Now do you believe us?
Thursday, May 20, 2021
We don't want to jinx it, but the chart speaks for itself. Are new cases in India rolling over at last?
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Covid continues to defy categorization and understanding. Of the top five of the 49 states in 2-week declining trajectories for new cases, three are locked-down blue states (NY, PA and MI) and two are wide-open red states (FL, TX). The lesson -- apparently it doesn't matter, so you might as well be open.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
In the US, 49 of 52 states and territories are in 2-week downtrends for new cases. 45 out of 52 are in 2-week downtrends for test-positivity. This is what herd immunity looks like.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Global new cases keep falling. Was that the top? In the US, new cases down to levels not seen since before the "first wave" 14 months ago!
