
Saturday, October 23, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," even the liberal-leaning gadfly publication Vanity Fair is running with the story that the NIH now admits in writing it funded "gain of function research" at the Wuhan lab. Of course it is careful to say that this could not possibly have led to Covid's appearance. But this is classic admission-by-degrees. It starts with "I have bad news for you. Your cat is on the roof." You know where it ends.
Friday, October 22, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," the New York Times says "Britain has run a grand epidemiological experiment, lifting virtually all coronavirus restrictions" and now "cases, hospital admissions and deaths all rising again." There is no mention in the article that they were all worse when Britain was one of the most locked-down nations in the world.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," the emotional rollercoaster of vaccines continues. A British study says the Pfizer booster "is 95.6% effective against Covid." Will we ever learn? What does "against Covid" mean? Against getting infected at all -- or just against dying? And how long will it stay effective? Crickets. Oh, and in the 10,000 person trial, they controlled for underlying conditions and demographics, but how do they control for real-world risk exposure? They just claim it was "generally consistent." How do they even know? These vaccines are miracles, no doubt about it. But even miracles can be over-hyped (they already have been once).
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," vaccines for kids aren't even approved yet. But the New York Times is already telling you what to think about the roll-out. There will be no lines. And the needles will be cute little ones. 
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Now it looks like the FDA is going to approve a "mix and match" approach between the three vaccine brands. Wear Nike on your left foot, Adidas on your right foot. Why not? It might start a new fashion trend. No one has any idea at this point what "the science" says or doesn't say, or even cares anymore apparently.
Monday, October 18, 2021
If we were bringing the simple tools of stock-charting to Covid, we'd say that world cases have completed a head-and-shoulders pattern, and we're now waiting for a definitive break below the neckline. The problem is that new cases subside in one place -- Florida, for example, has completely reversed -- yet suddenly rise in another -- Russia, for example, is making new all-time highs.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
The Department of Labor has published guidelines for compensating federal employees who are injured by the Covid vaccine mandate -- see it yourself in "Recommended Reading." But wait, aren't the vaccines safe? And if they aren't, why are private sector employees covered? After all, it's a federal mandate. What are we missing?
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Remember when Johnson & Johnson was the best vaccine because you only needed one shot? Well, now the FDA has decided you need a booster. See "Recommended Reading" for the story, and all the latest Shatner in space news.
Friday, October 15, 2021
We have no standing to promote any particular treatment for Covid, but we can definitely object to outright lies that keep the public from making informed choices. In "Recommended Reading," we urge you to watch the short video of Joe Rogan relentlessly confronting CNN's Sanjay Gupta over his network's lies about him having taken "horse dewormer" to treat his case of Covid. 
Thursday, October 14, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," can we think about something other than Covid for a moment? Yesterday William Shatner went into space and returned safely at age 90. Our friends at the Wall Street Journal Editorial page have the best take.
