
Friday, November 12, 2021
There's always a hot-spot, it seems. Now it's Germany, with cases making new highs, unlike anywhere else in the world. All the usual narratives -- "not enough vaccinated" -- "running out of ICU beds" -- "experts are worried" -- "officials warn we must take all measures." Bet on it, tomorrow there will be speculation that there is a new mutant variant on the loose.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
First, happy Veterans Day. All our love, thanks and respect to the men and women who have served and sacrificed. Meanwhile, in "Recommended Reading," we have a good "explainer" on the legal basis for the constitutional challenge to the OSHA vaccine mandates.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
New cases are rising again globally, driven mostly by Europe, which is driven mostly by Germany. Hit most lightly in earlier waves, Germany is demonstrating what we've seen over and over -- no country is exempt. If you got off easy last year, it's your turn this year. What explains this recurring pattern, other than the importance of immunity resulting from prior infection?
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
We're delighted to see a robust policy debate happening openly at the National Institutes of Health. In an upcoming seminar, Dr. Matthew Memoli, who works in Anthony Fauci's department, will argue "I think the way we are using the vaccines is wrong," and he will call mandates "extraordinarily problematic." See "Recommended Reading."
Monday, November 8, 2021
Of course it had to happen. A federal court has blocked the vaccine mandates. Stay tuned in "Recommended Reading."
Sunday, November 7, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," a link to a video of an hysterical woman on an airplane (not wearing a mask) refusing to sit next to an unvaccinated person. Is it real? Fake? An SNL skit? The hallmark of these crazy times is that you can watch it over and over and never know. We should bring back The X-Files and see if the truth is still out there somewhere anymore. 
Saturday, November 6, 2021
In "Recommended Reading," possible financial evidence that side effects from the vaccines are neither severe nor widespread. So far the federal government's fund to compensate side-effect victims has paid out precisely zero.
Friday, November 5, 2021
The vaccine mandate regulations, now to be effective January 4, have been published; we've got them, and lots of explanations of them and commentary about them, in "Recommended Reading." Quick summary: it's playing Russian roulette with the labor market when Covid is already effectively in retreat. 
Thursday, November 4, 2021
This is one of those cases in "Recommended Reading" when we don't literally recommend you read it, but we just want you to know what people are saying about Covid. Here's the New York Times, apparently running out of ways to scare you about it, with an article on "Did Covid Change How We Dream?" Yes, read about people's "strange nocturnal visions." What's next, a dream mandate?
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
46 US states now in two-week downward trends for new cases, with almost 72% of the adult population fully immunized by vaccination. 
