
Friday, January 21, 2022
The two-week case-fatality rate in the US has fallen to a record low at 0.38%. At last, the lethality of Covid has been reduced to something very much like the flu. Now it's just a question of adjusting political and personal attitudes to that reality.  
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Ever wonder how Anthony Fauci learned to stop worrying and love the pandemic? Let's just say there are almost 2 million reasons. In Recommended Reading we have his government financial disclosure document (and that of his wife, the chief bio-ethics officer at NIH -- yeah, you can't make this up). 
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
In Recommended Reading, Rand Paul tries to collect on his winning bet (the CDC has now conceded that cloth masks don't work).
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
The rollover of the Omicron case-wave continues. Now two US states are in falling two-week new-case trajectories. It has to start somewhere. It always does.
Monday, January 17, 2022
A week ago it was zero. Now 6 US states are in two-week test-positivity trajectories. Every time, this is how the rollovers have begun.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
In Recommended Reading: Here's yet another way the New York Times tries to shape elite opinion -- a starry-eyed story about the "stunning" Covid vaccines and the heroes of science who invented them. Hey, we're the ones saying the new MRNA vaccines are wonders of invention which, when perfected, will cure cancer and extend productive lifetimes. But as far as we can tell there's not a word in this story exploring side-effects, waning efficacy, leakiness, or any of the other problems that any serious person admits do in fact exist. The vaccines are miracles to be sure, but critically far from perfect. So why does this story have to pretend they're perfect? I have one word for you, Benjamin: politics.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
What's the Biden team going to do now that the Supreme Court has struck down the workplace vax mandate? According to a story in Recommended Reading, they're just going to find other ways to make you get shots that increasingly seem not to be effective.
Friday, January 14, 2022
The US case-fatality rate breaks to an all-time record low. Now we just have to see the cases themselves come back down...
Thursday, January 13, 2022
The US case-fatality rate has fallen to a new low for the history of the data. Fatalities are reported with a lag, so we can't rule out that the Omicron case-wave will still prove to be more lethal than it looks now. But for the moment, our initial call in the earliest days of Omicron -- that it was far milder than its predecessor variants -- is looking very good.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
In Recommended Reading, military documents liberated by Project Veritas prove what our friend Matt Ridley has been saying all along -- the US has been pursuing gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in Chinese labs.
