
Sunday, February 20, 2022
In Recommended Reading, President Biden officially extends the Covid state of emergency while the Journal of the American Medical Association continues to trash Ivermectin, a treatment that many front-line doctors believe could have significantly lessened the emergency all along. 
Saturday, February 19, 2022
A new CDC study highlights the surge of pediatric mental health issues "during the Covid-19" pandemic. Maybe they should say, "during the endless lockdowns and endless uncertainty created by the CDC itself." The fact that they are even exploring this issue, after almost two years, means the world is ready to start to come to terms with the horrific side-effects of ill-considered public health policies, including isolating lockdowns.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Stanford's John Ionnides has a paper in the British Medical Journal quantitatively comparing the prestige of the scientists who signed the Great Barrington Declaration, versus those who signed the competing John Snow Memorandum. Both, he concludes, were led by highly prestigious scientists. So why was GBD trashed in the public square as fringe-science, while JSM was held up as revealed wisdom? The quantitative answer seems to be that the JSM crowd had more Twitter followers! (And when I say "followers," that's not like in "follow the science.") 
Thursday, February 17, 2022
If Washington were reporting its data, it would be unanimous -- all states and territories in a two-week downtrend for test-positivity, the best leading indicator of spread. And all but two, Alaska and Maine, are in two-week downtrends for new cases. Bye-bye Omicron. 
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
In Recommended Reading, discover how the Canada truckers' protests are organized, or at least how the New York Times says they are organized. It's "former law enforcement officers, military veterans and conservative organizers" -- and somehow when the New York Times says it, those things all come off as insults. For that matter, for the Times, it sounds like an indictment of the protests that they are organized at all. 
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
New cases world-wide, and in the US, have definitely rolled over, but are still running at levels above those seen in the Delta wave mid-2021. We continue to be amazed at the relative lack of panic, and the relative absence of panicky government responses, considering the still-large prevalence of Covid. We have learned a lot over two years, haven't we?
Monday, February 14, 2022
In Recommended Reading, a fascinating history of the smallpox epidemic of the nineteenth century, and the rocky road of vaccine hesitancy that led to its end. Some of the perspectives here are controversial, so the author has maintained his anonymity. That's the trap sprung by the tyranny of the majority -- anyone who differs is hounded, and if they choose anonymity, that itself is taken as a signal of lack of credibility. You can't win when you are outside the Overton Window.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Lots of good conspiracy theories in Recommended Reading today. Where do we begin? Let's see -- an outbreak of Lassa (hemorrhagic fever virus) in the UK, supposedly linked to the Beijing Olympics... Eco-Health Alliance a CIA front...  The problem is that in the age of Covid, all the crazy conspiracy theories so far have turned out to be true! Remember when you couldn't even consider the lab-leak theory? Just saying... And by the way... had you noticed that the CDC has quietly dropped the statement on its website, which it has included every day for over a year, that only 5% of reported Covid deaths were from Covid alone, and that on average there were 4 additional causes? Asking for a friend.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
In Recommeded Reading, this headline for a story that they would never have run a couple months ago, back when the elite narrative was to support vaccines at all costs: "New C.D.C. data adds to evidence that boosters’ protection against severe Covid plunges after four months." Doesn't just wain, it "plunges." Good to know that New York Times headlines are now being written by ZeroHedge.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Rest In Peace, Luc Montagnier -- the Nobel Prize winning researcher who discovered the HIV virus. Years later his new research showed him the virus doesn't even exist (AIDS has other causes). But Anthony Fauci built his career on seeking a vaccine for it -- he never found the vaccine, but it's hard to find a vaccine for a non-existent virus. Montagnier never said SARS-NCov-2 doesn't exist, but he's been vocal about the futility of Fauci's beloved vaccines. Sadly, because of that view, this erstwhile and honest servant of science has passed away having been relegated to the lowly ranks of "dissidents" and "fringe doctors."
