
Monday, January 31, 2022
The most horrible example yet of the New York Times shaping elite opinion about Covid. A "guest essay" by a priest asks the question, "How Do You Respond When an Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid?" That one would even ask presumes the ghoulish answer. Of course at the end, the essay says you shouldn't celebrate others' misfortunes. But (again, of course) the essay spends most of its words on reasons why you actually should. 
Sunday, January 30, 2022
In a world of necessarily imprecise data, fatalities are our best count of Covid's spread, even though they lag new cases. Using our days-to-double-fatalities indicator, we can now see that New York and Australia are the only two jurisdictions where Omicron's spread is exponential (it was in South Korea, too, but they are pulling out of it). 
Saturday, January 29, 2022
In Recommended Reading, our friend Reuven Brenner sends a link to a Globe and Mail commentary putting the vaccines in a sensible context -- considering costs and benefits, and thinking of them as part of a diversified portfolio of public health solutions.
Friday, January 28, 2022
The Government Accounting Office publishes a scathing report about the unreadiness of US public health institutions to deal with pandemics. BGO. Blinding glimpse of the obvious. Meanwhile, the leader of the equally unready World Health Organization is standing for re-election -- unopposed. 
Thursday, January 27, 2022
In Recommended Reading, a woman is hospitalized with mysterious symptoms after being involved in a road accident with a truckful of monkeys from a bio-lab. Sounds a lot like the events recounted in "The Hot Zone," the original virus fear-porn from the 1990s -- and it shows how easily "lab leaks" can happen.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
The US is now visibly passing from the worst of the Omicron case-wave. 25 states are in two-week downtrends for test-positivity, and 16 for new cases. Two weeks ago there were none of either.
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Elite opinion continues to turn, with the New York Times highlighting statements by WHO officials confirming the new official view -- that the arrival of less-lethal Omicron means the pandemic is over (it's now endemic). That said, the politics is just too good to let go of this quickly. In what may be its most bumblingly obvious story yet, the Times headlines the horror that "Sarah Palin, who is unvaccinated, recently dined indoors in New York City before testing positive." The evidence presented is a photograph of a restaurant empty except for two waiters. Palin was outed by a journalist who later say, "My mom thought she was Tina Fey." Oh, and just by the way, Palin was in New York pursuing a libel suit against the New York Times.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Further proof that it's all politics, and all about shaping elite opinion. In Recommended Reading, a New York Times front-pager grading Biden's first year of handling the pandemic. Daily new cases have been five times greater than when Biden ran against the former president by blaming him for his failure to control it -- yet the Times faults Biden first and foremost for "confusing messaging." He couldn't help it that the virus was "unpredictable." 
Sunday, January 23, 2022
In Recommended Reading, a remarkable commentary in the fear-mongering medical publication The Lancet -- "the end is near." They've been saying that for two years, the classic cry of the doomsayer. But now they mean something different: the end of the pandemic is near. Investors should be cautious when permabears turn bullish, but this is nevertheless an important influence on elite opinion, in a good direction for a change.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Sentences you never thought you'd read: "Covid new cases world-wide are down sharply today, at only 3.8 million."
