
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
In Recommended Reading, from the trivial (investigating the origins of Covid-19 in Wuhan) to the urgent (investigating the gender balance among scientific authors during the pandemic). As always, we cover it all.
Monday, March 21, 2022
We watched "Dallas Buyers Club" last night. Highly recommended, to see on the one hand how today's battle between grass-roots self-help medicine and the top-down public health establishment is nothing new. What's different is the sympathy shown for AIDS activists, versus the scathing contempt today for anyone who dares to disagree with the authorities. What has changed?
Sunday, March 20, 2022
Oh. My. God. After 417 days with no Covid fatalities reported in China, today there are two. Notice we said "reported." Oh well, tomorrow is another day -- chances are good they will be revised away.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
That didn't take long. We highlighted a mysterious case-wave building outside the US, and wondered why no one was speculating about a new variant that was "wildly transmissible" (experts fear) and "potentially more deadly" (doctors worry) and "resistant to vaccines" (public health officials wonder). Well, here it is: the BA.2 variant of Omicron. It's pretty obvious from the non-US case resurgence that there should be concern here -- but less, we think, concern about the virus than concern about the over-reaction of public officials. Fortunately it's happening when the Russian invasion of Ukraine is distracting them with even more salacious narratives.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Even Xi Jinping has to go with the tide of public opinion, telling the Chinese people that the authorities have to reduce the costs to people's lives in their doomed attempt to control the spread of Covid in China. It's in "Recommended Reading."
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Yesterday the FOMC took the party line and acted like Covid was barely worth mentioning as an economic factor going forward. You can do that based on cases and deaths in the US, which have fallen considerably. But the virus appears to be making a comeback in Europe, Africa and Asia -- even China can't hide it. It's worth considering the possibility that the virus is staging a comeback.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Our elite minders are moving us on from Covid -- it's not a useful narrative for them right now. But new cases on a global basis have been heading higher for two weeks. They're the highest ever in Germany, rising in many European countries, especially Switzerland, at new highs in Africa, and higher in China than at any time since the initial outbreak. Apparently this opera has another act...
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
A new study in The Lancet on the safety of MRNA Covid vaccines -- only one tenth of one percent of vaccinations resulted in reported side effects. But of those, 22,527 (6.6%) were "serious non-death" and 4,496 (1.3%) were deaths. Acceptable damage? Who's to say? Why is it only now, so far after the fact -- after the efficacy of the vaccines has fallen into such considerable disrepute -- that were only beginning to be able to discuss such trade-offs among respectable circles?
Monday, March 14, 2022
For the cultural elites, there's just no letting go of beloved narratives. In Recommended Reading, the New York Times claims "doctors say" that the war in Ukraine will cause a Covid outbreak -- and that the Covid outbreak in New Caledonia is all about inequality. Give it a rest...
Sunday, March 13, 2022
In Recommended Reading, a report on the financial affairs of Dr. Anthony Fauci from our friends at Open The Books. Some highlights.... When retires, he’ll collect a $355,000 annual retirement package – the largest federal pension in history. The Fauci household’s net worth exceeds $11 million. Fauci’s wife made $238,970 in 2021 as the chief bio-ethicist at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci collected a $1 million prize for "speaking truth to power" while he served under former president Trump.
