A Few of Our Favorite Things

A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, December 23, 2021
The historic output gap remains to be filled, with the business inventories-to-sales ratio falling to a new cycle low. Bad news for inflation being rapidly transitory, but great news for future growth.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
The boom is still on! Our housing activity value index makes a new high, and so do non-defense capital goods.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Capital goods shipments fell, but that's not what we track. We are interested in the future, and the good news is that capital goods orders rose to new all-time highs. Oh, and the post-pandemic housing boom is alive and well, too.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Monday, September 27, 2021
Small business hiring plans rise to new all-time highs. But when will small-business hiring?
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
The historic boom isn't just stimulus-driven consumption -- it's CAPEX, too. New orders for non-defense capital goods (ex-aircraft) eked out a new all-time high in July, on top of a what is already more than a year-long moonshot.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Upticks in housing transactions, small business confidence and corporate CAPEX. This is supposed to be a growth scare?
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, June 24, 2021
A steady month -- surging housing activity and CAPEX orders maintain last month's high levels.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Want to know why we're going to have a transitory burst of inflation? Look no further than non-defense cap goods orders bursting out to new highs -- and business inventory/sales ratios at virtually tied with the record low set in the post-war boom year of 1950 (the year we've been using as our model for 2021, by the way). 
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Monday, April 26, 2021
In the latest business inventory data, sales are up and inventories are down. This is the mismatch effect we've predicted, and it will lead to a short-term bump in the price level (which is not the same thing as inflation).
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
After an historic run to new highs following the lockdown bottom, non-defense capgoods orders and housing transactions both cool off just a tiny bit.
