A Few of Our Favorite Things

A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Our search-inquiry tracker shows that Biden is getting more attention online than Trump (the president is tied with Kim Kardashian). Going into the mid-terms, that's probably not what the at-risk Democratic majority wants.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Our Housing Transaction Value Aggregate is surprisingly higher on the month, driven by a surge in new home sales -- albeit at a lower average price. In other news, our Google search tracker has Biden, Trump and Kim Kardashian all tied (at very low levels of interest).
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
This mid-frequency data is the best place to look for evidence of recession. The picture is mixed. Housing has cooled considerably, and small business sentiment is worse than in the pandemic. But CAPEX continues to grow to new all-time highs, and bank lending is accelerating. 
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Definitely signs of slowdown. Our Housing Activity Index falls again, further from its January peak (which was the stock market peak, too). Worst is small business optimism, which is now worse than its worst reading at the bottom of the pandemic depression. That said, a new high for capital goods orders. What an economy!
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Monday, June 27, 2022
A beat this morning in durable goods, but that backward-looking indicator is not the one we watch: forward looking new orders for non-defense capital goods made a new all-time high.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
As the Fed normalizes, we're seeing data revealing where the Fed had previously been abnormal and where it hadn't. So we see a sharp drop in housing activity, yet a rise in capital goods orders.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
A very mixed bag this month. Housing activity is miraculously hanging in there. CAPEX makes a new all-time high. But small business sentiment is deteriorating alarmingly.
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, March 24, 2022
The high-frequency data continues to look amazing, but there's weakness in virtually all the mid-frequency data. Even our Housing Transaction Value Index and cap goods orders have ticked down. Dead parrot? Or just resting?
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Friday, February 25, 2022
Cap goods spending makes a new high (we had to rescale the chart). Housing transactions make a new high. And best of all, the inventory/sales ratio makes a visible lift-off from near all-time lows. The boom is very much intact in the mid-frequency indicators. 
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Thursday, January 27, 2022
The mid-frequency data is strong, but moderating from the torrid peaks of the last several months.
