
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," the US Congress, which has done so much to damage the world with its overweening control-freak approach to the pandemic, has now decided it's bad for ramming through partisan legislation in what amounts to a lame duck session. "They’re not going to delay it if a member has gotten Covid...they’re not going to test anymore. It's not an official mandate but we all know we're not letting Covid get in the way. The deal is happening. Less testing, just wear masks and get it done...You can bring your ventilator and still vote."
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," an amazingly prescient paper from all the way back in 2020 about the "agnotology" of the official global pandemic response. That's a new word to us, and we assume it is new to you. It means "the ways ignorance or doubt about certain topics is created by means of withholding or presenting information in a certain way." It begins with an amazing quote from Steinbeck: "A sad soul can kill you quicker than a germ."
Monday, August 8, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," Japan wrestles with what is currently the worst Covid outbreak in the world. On the one hand they're talking about downgrading Covid to the equivalent of the flu. At the same time, they're now permitting booster shots, and work stoppages are beginning: and "no chatting at lunch."
Sunday, August 7, 2022
This isn't "Recommended Reading" -- it's "Must Reading." An astonishing set of revelations concerning the origin story of Deborah Birx, Trump's pandemic response coordinator who became for a time the most powerful person in the world, directing the course of lockdowns in the United States. Yet the record of her own statements shows she had no qualifications for the job, exaggerated the little she did have, and before her appointment shared secret information with the White House through the wife of a national security staffer, insisting on anonymity. If "the buck stops here," you can blame Trump for hiring this phony.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
The New York Times has managed to find yet another angle of attack against anyone who would presume to have an opinion about public health other than anointed government experts. This time, someone put video of a young woman on TikTok, and online users said she must have Monkeypox (and apparently she really didn't). To be sure, this is unfortunate on a number of levels. But, seriously, is it accurate for the Times to claim that "a new form of social-media vigilantism has emerged"? The irony is that the Times is doing exactly what the Times is decrying: misdiagnosis and exaggeration.
Friday, August 5, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," the case that the US vaccine mandate is putting national security at risk. Meanwhile, in Japan, the only place in the world where new cases are making new all-time highs at this point, "experts" are calling for downgrading Covid to the status of a mere seasonal flu.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Our old California friend Steve Kirsch is a bit of a Covid crank, but he is clever and thought-provoking. In "Recommended Reading" today, he asks why Biden and Fauci both took Paxlovid: "They are both full vaccinated which they have assured us protects against severe disease. So why take a drug which has ONLY been approved for people AT RISK for severe disease?"
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Whatever you believe about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines, shouldn't anyone be able to gather data about it? In "Recommended Reading," the experience of one independent researcher who tried to use Google's polling capabilities to find out. It turns out that asking people about their vaccine experiences is prohibited. 
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," Biden's re-infection has people asking questions about treatments and their efficacy that should have been asked all along. But ignore that man behind the curtain. Look over here! There's now an official Monkeypox emergency in New York, Illinois and California. And they haven't even given it a politically correct name yet!
Monday, August 1, 2022
"Fact-check" journalism doesn't just serve to entrench the conventional wisdom. In "Recommended Reading," see if Fauci really did dissemble when he claimed he never called for lockdowns.
