
Sunday, October 9, 2022
PayPal was founded more than 20 years ago by Bay Area libertarians, some of whom I knew at the time. How their baby has been corrupted! Under PayPal's new terms of service, the company can snatch $2500 from your account if they determine you have been spreading "misinformation" (what would they think of our sending links to outside-the-box opinions about Covid?). Sound too crazy to be true? We read the document ourselves on their website, and it is linked from "Recommended Reading." Hours later, they removed the document, and now claim that the new policy was "sent out in error." Whew. Now we don't have to boycott PayPal.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
The amazing persistence and stability of daily US Covid deaths continues. Over the last five months, average deaths have been exactly 500. The daily standard deviation has been an astonishingly low 65, or just 13%. If the pandemic is "over" according to the White House, then why wasn't it "over" in May? Nothing that matters has changed since then (after all, deaths are what matters).
Friday, October 7, 2022
Let's check in with our most reliable indicator of the spread of Covid, especially in the new world when self-testing means cases will go unreported -- our "days to double fatalities" calculator, on page 11. Very good news. There's not a single jurisdiction in which the virus is spreading exponentially. Below the level of exponential spread, each infected person infects less than one other, so the disease just peters out. 
Thursday, October 6, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," Politico reports that White House efforts to kick-start a new Operation Warp Speed to develop the next generation of Covid vaccines and treatments has pooped out. Why? Multiple sources are quoted as saying no one wants to invest financial or political capital to fight a pandemic that the President has already declared to be over -- which "surprised even his top health officials."
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Hey there boys and girls, it's time to check in on our Monkeypox Contextualizer. Now, Monkeypox cases are 451 times less than Covid cases were on the comparable day since the first reported case. You don't hear much about Monkeypox anymore, do you? Just two months ago it was on every front page, leading every news show. Well, we told you not to worry. 
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Ringo Starr has Covid. We wish him a speedy recovery. In other news, on his way out the door at the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci has approved another grant to the Eco-Health Alliance, the same middlemen through whom Fauci funded illegal gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The shamelessness and unrepentance of these people is simply staggering. It's all in "Recommended Reading."
Monday, October 3, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," a tortured narrative in the New York Times about how pandemics and politics have converted Marin County, California, from a hotspot of anti-vax activists to a devoted hive of pro-vax warriors. Meanwhile, serious peer-reviewed papers are starting to come out gently questioning the exaggerated narratives about the perfect safety of MRNA vaccines.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
It's the strangest thing. For months and months now, US fatalities have been weirdly close to 500 per day. Yet daily case numbers have fluctuated far more. The case/fatality ratio, therefore, fluctuates too -- but that is a "residual" calculation based on one unchanging number (fatalities) and another changing number (cases). Perhaps the issue is that with the widespread use of home testing, many positive cases are not reported any more (but they would show up if the patient dies). 
Saturday, October 1, 2022
In "Recommended Reading," a stunning rebuke to the boy emperor of Canada -- the EVP of Air Canada talking about the removal of masking requirements on flights, at long last: "Air Canada welcomes the removal of these restrictions, acknowledging that air travel is safe and that the measures were not justified by science."
Friday, September 30, 2022
This is just a difficult time for Europe. On top of war in Ukraine and vanishing energy supplies, that's where most of the world COVID cases are now.
