Covid-2019 - 2022-12-23

Saturday, December 24, 2022

In "Recommended Reading," media terror about explosive Covid case growth in China has reached new heights of paranoid delightfulness. There's even a "study" and a "model" that "experts warn" about showing 37 million cases EVERY DAY RIGHT NOW. Yes, yes, it's one of those speculations based the notion that for every patient who tests positive there are dozens of others without symptoms who don't even get tested, but have the bug nevertheless. No doubt directionally true (which only goes to show how relatively mild Covid is, if people don't even know they have it). In various well-conducted serological surveys in the US, the actual infection rate can be as much as ten times the reported one. But this scare-number for China amplifies the reported cases by a factor of 43,600. Yet it's being reported uncritically literally everywhere in the western media.