Covid-2019 - 2022-12-22

Friday, December 23, 2022

In "Recommended Reading," our friends at the Wall Street Journal editorial page uphold their tradition of providing a fair and balanced platform for ideas across the political spectrum -- including, today, some ideas that are not themselves either fair or balanced. Ezekiel Emanuel, the public health apparatchik who never met a government intervention he didn't like, faults China for ending its "Zero Covid" lockdowns in favor of a strategy to just "let it rip." First, there is no evidence that lockdowns work to contain the spread. Second, there is no evidence that ending lockdowns increases spread. Third, and worst, this expression "let it rip" is just unscientific fear-mongering. It quotes Anthony Fauci, who used these pejorative words to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration, a safe-and-sane alternative to draconian lockdowns aimed at protecting the most vulnerable and letting everyone else get on with their lives.