Donald L. Luskin

On Powell at Jackson Hole
Friday, August 25, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
Ugh. We are making “progress” against inflation except we’re not. Classic Powell.
PredictIt Triumphs Over Regulatory Arrogance
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
An appeals court rejects the CFTC’s arbitrary order to shut down the political futures market.
It Can Happen There (China)
Friday, August 18, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
China’s M2 contracted a year ago, and now there’s deflation. Is that why US stocks are falling?
On July CPI: So What will Powell Find to Hate About It?
Thursday, August 10, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
Jackson Hole would be a good time for Powell to declare victory. He probably won’t. 
On the US Downgrade and July Jobs Report
Friday, August 4, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
The downgrade is just words. But even this slowing jobs report can ruin Jackson Hole.
On the July FOMC: The Most Unkindest Hike of All
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
Powell won’t wait to see inflation at 2% to stop the hikes – but half of CPI is already deflating.
On June CPI: Sticky Inflation Just Came Unstuck
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
The FOMC said it needed more information. Well, here it is. 
Mid-Year Outlook: Our Unloved Bull Market in Equities
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
It’s not just about AI. And it’s not over.
On the June FOMC
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
Dots all folks. The market mustn’t think there will be rate cuts (though inflation is collapsing).
On the May Jobs Report
Friday, June 2, 2023
Donald L. Luskin
It’s easy to square big payroll gains with big employment losses. And it’s bullish.
