TrendMacro conversation with Jon Stokes -- Understanding ChatGPT and generative AI

Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Donald L. Luskin

A deflationary force that will lower costs of knowledge work, and a direct threat to the business models of tech giants.

Update to Strategic View

The sudden emergence of ChatGPT as a public demonstration of artificial intelligence capable of mimicking human written output, including computer code, is a shot across the bow indicating a revolution in machine capability and automation. Even before ChatGPT, well-proven and rapidly evolving AI's for creation and manipulation of images and videos are already proliferating. Ultimately threatening livelihoods in any profession based on manipulation of symbols, it is an immediate threat to search-driven businesses like Google's, because instead of sending you to an ad-intermediated website for the information you seek, it simply gives you the information. And AI models are a form of compression, reducing giant databases that require search to compact patterns that embody the search, facilitating unplugged mobility. Training AI's is a very expensive proposition now, dependent critically on human intervention, creating a large barrier to entry to all but the best-funded startups.