On the September Jobs Report

Donald L. Luskin
Friday, October 6, 2023
Powell believes many things that aren't true. This fake payroll beat may be one of them.
US Macro
Federal Reserve
A huge beat with 336,000 net payrolls, all the more amazing for strong upward revisions to the prior two months. It is not plausible, flying in the face of a panoply of other labor market metrics, and the "household survey" that showed an increase in employment of only 86,000 (indeed, a contraction of 7,000 on a "payroll basis"). Seasonal and birth-death adjustments don't explain it (they cut the other way). However implausible, there's nothing here to suggest pending recession. It's a hawkish headline for Powell who seems to always cherry-pick the worst from among available data. That said, average hourly earnings growth is the lowest in nine months, on the back of a downward revision to last month's, and now below the long-term historical average. The money-market curve is still only giving a fifty-fifty chance of one final rate hike, cumulatively over the next three FOMCs. We'll take the under: zero and done.