TrendMacro conversation with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Monday, July 31, 2023
Donald L. Luskin

He’s running on core issues of civil liberties, health care and peace. Economic policy remains a mystery.

Update to Strategic View

Kennedy focused on his core issues and said little to broaden his agenda to mainstream economic questions. He is running, first, in reaction to the US response to the pandemic in which lockdowns threw many into poverty, suppressed inexpensive therapeutics for the sake of untested vaccines, made lifetime health outcomes worse, and trampled civil liberties – conditioning the electorate to accept more of the same. Second, he opposes US intervention in Ukraine, seeing it is another “forever war” catalyzed by neocons in both parties. US debts and deficits are “existential,” and can be controlled by slashing defense spending and addressing the enormously expensive spread of chronic disease, which he believes has environmental causes. He wants to project US power around the globe as a friend and investor, not a hegemon, which he argues is what China is doing. He wants to support development of green energy by remaking the US grid so that it can accept more competition from non-fossil fuel sources, arguing that solar energy will dominate because it is free. Supporters of Kennedy’s insurgent candidacy will be cheered by his charismatic fidelity to his core messages, but others will likely be disappointed that he is not addressing broader issues with comparable verve.