A conversation with Vivek Ramaswamy

Monday, May 8, 2023
Donald L. Luskin

He calls himself 2024's "pro-growth candidate," with a Reaganesque agenda for deregulation, growth and a stable dollar.

Update to Strategic View

Ramaswamy is positioning himself as strongly pushing back on the liberal cultural agenda, which he characterizes as a religion -- but he is doing so without the anger and divisiveness of some other Republicans, arguing instead that he wants to reject ideas that divide and embrace ideas that unite. He says he is 2024's "pro-growth candidate," proposing a return to 5%-plus GDP growth by liberating energy production, deregulating business and detaching from dependency on China. He rejects bank bailouts and wants to return the Fed to its former exclusive focus on stabilizing the value of the dollar. He says this message is getting through to independents in swing states. His wants to rack up wins in small-state early primaries and be a player on the debate stage. He did not rule out accepting a vice-presidential nomination.