What you're not hearing about the US housing market and the future of inflation

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Donald L. Luskin

The post-pandemic housing boom is more than over, and so is inflation.

Update to Strategic View

The TrendMacro Housing Transaction Value Aggregate has fallen to below the pre-pandemic trend after a stimulus-driven all-time high. The new homes component only matched the bubble-era level, and has merely fallen back to trend. But the existing homes component far exceeded the bubble-era level, and is now well below trend, dragging down the entire Aggregate. As a share of GDP, the Aggregate never even approached the bubble-era level. As a boom, not a bubble, its reversal will not have the consequences that led to the Global Financial Crisis. Shelter prices, the largest component of CPI, is highly correlated to the Aggregate with a lag. With the Aggregate having sharply reversed, shelter inflation, which is propping up CPI, will sharply reverse and CPI will quickly return to the Fed's target.