What you’re not hearing about the effects of immigration on the post-pandemic boom

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Donald L. Luskin

There's been a flood of immigration -- and almost all the jobs growth is because of it.

Update to Strategic View

The foreign-born adult US population grew during Trump's administration, and has grown far more rapidly during Biden's. Immigration drives social costs, and the management of the border is chaotic and lawless. But since 2021 virtually all new foreign-born adults have become employed. After the Covid reopening, 64% of new foreign-born adults find employment, compared to 60% of new native-born. But the native-born adult population is shrinking, so the vast majority of employment growth over the last two years is due to the foreign-born. While border reform is essential, evidently so is the growth of the foreign-born population if we want the post-pandemic productivity-led boom to continue.